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Terms of Use


While making all reasonable efforts to ensure the integrity of the software and accuracy of information provided, to the extent permitted by law Chaordent Pty Ltd (ABN 88 116 755 170) accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may result directly or indirectly from the use of this service including access to and use of any data, software or systems.

Chaordent own all the materials and content on this web site, and apart from access to and use of the services provided from this web site, Chaordent does not grant any licence, right or otherwise part with any copyright or intellectual property in the materials or content.

Chaordent will apply the laws of Victoria, Australia to effect remedies against individuals and companies who misuse information obtained inadvertently or unlawfully from this service or who cause disruption, loss or damage of the service or who cause any loss to Chaordent.

By proceeding to use any of the services provided by this site you hereby acknowledge acceptance of the disclaimer and terms and conditions displayed above.

The Scuba Doctor Dive Shop